Monday, 8 March 2010

wall display pictures

Decisive moment

Today I am making a display of two of my favorite pictures so far.

For the first picture I have chosen is this picture of a man playing tennis and I took it at the right time and got the ball and the man in a good pose.

Photo essay

This is a picture of the driving rang at Tilgate golf

course I like this picture as it’s a nice day. The picture

is cut in half by these red and green dividers.

Monday, 4 January 2010

Photo Essay

This is a blog of my photo essay, What my topic is Crawley town. I will be taking pictures of important or popular places in and around Crawley.

The purpose of this photo essay is to show what Crawley life is like for the people of Crawley.

The audience that I'm looking for are people who may not know all there is to know about Crawley.

The pictures that I am thinking about taking are.
1 town center (long shot)
2 bus station (long shot)
3 town hall (close up shot)
4 Crawley college (long shot)
5 Tilgate golf course (close up shot)
6 mega plex (long shot)
7 queens square (close up shot)
8 the hawth (long shot)and try(close up shot)
9 K2 (close up shot)
10 Crawley library (close up shot)

These are just suggestions I will do many shots for all the locations.

Thursday, 26 November 2009

Photo Exhibition

Today I took some pictures for a exhibition which was held at a local hall.

I wanted to have really pro looking photos so I used a three point lighting setup which felled up the face with light and gave the picture depth.
I'm happy with the results of the photos :)

Friday, 13 November 2009

Photo lighting

Today I used lighting to fill in the shadows on the face using an infill light and a deflector, these are tools that light up the face. which is makes a good professional looking photograph, as the main light although very bright still makes shadows on the face.

Friday, 6 November 2009

The World Turned Upside Down

This pictures are that I think are an abstract view on the world.

Thursday, 15 October 2009

The Decisive Moment

Today I learnt about a key factor in photography is called the decisive moment. The decisive can make or brake the picture. In this picture I took I tryed to get the decisive but I dont think I got it.

Friday, 9 October 2009

Urban vs Nature

Today I took some pictures of the environment and how urban as invaded nature and can leave us with some plesant places or an eye saw as this pictures will show you. The first is of an old tree coverd in ivy, but has been cut back to make way for a coffe house which had realy hevaly cut back this 70 year old tree.

Friday, 2 October 2009

Photoshop lesson one

Today I used photoshop for the first time and played around with some of the effects and got some really good pictures, here are some of the effects I used.

Monday, 28 September 2009

the tate image I disliked

There were so many that I didnt like because they where to volger or too plane or I just thought there rubbish. But I need to pick one so the pieace that I least liked was I think its called time flies like and arrow. All it is a stuffed bird shot with an arrow on the wall.

Friday, 25 September 2009

photo basics

Controlling Exposure:
In order for an image to be captured on film, it must be exposed to light. The camera has two settings that control light, and they work very similar to the human eye.

The Shutter:
The shutter blocks all light from exposing the film until you press the button. Then it quickly opens and closes, giving the film a brief flash of light.

You can control the length of time the shutter remains open by setting the shutter speed.

Longer shutter speeds = more light
shorter shutter speeds = less light
The Aperture: 
Before light reaches film, it must pass through an opening called an "Aperture". The aperture is like a pupil. You can control the aperture by setting the "Aperture Opening", also known as an F-Stop.

Smaller F-stops numbers = larger openings

larger openings = more light  

brightness is reduced as light passes through an aperture. 

Shutter Speed:  This determes the amount of light is use in each photo.

Like the pupil in a human eye, the aperture on a camera controls light.

It does so by closing up to restrict light, and opening up to let it through.

Balancing Shutter and Aperture:
Exposure is about different combinations of shutter and f-stop settings. These combinations can drastically affect the finished picture. For example, the following three pictures have been given an equal amount of light, but the f-stop and shutter combinations make each one unique.

Thursday, 24 September 2009

the Tate image I liked

I went to the tate modern on wednesday 23 september 09.
I found it very confusing as a i didnt understand any of the
pieaces of art there but, there was one that i remmeber most,
a pieace by a the artist Henri Matisse and it was called the snail.
It is a big canvas with coloured paper with a slite spiral to the

TATE Modern

Your next post will be about your trip to the Movium and Tate Modern. I want you to put the titles and creators of the two works that you viewed, into two separate posts.

The first blog title will be. The Tate image I liked. In this post you will need:
  1. The title of the work,
  2. Name of the artist
  3. and a short description of the art work stating what you liked about it.
  4. Then try and find an image of it.

The second post will be about the work you disliked. use the same detail as above,
  1. Title of work,
  2. Name of artist
  3. and why you disliked the work.
  4. Again find an image of the work.

use the following links to search for the works